Social Investments

At ROMI, Social Investment represents an important factor in strengthening the relationship with the community, promoting a strong and expressive performance in its area of operation, aimed at social development and improving the quality of life, strengthening the strategies of sustainability and progress.
Throughout its history, ROMI has adopted significant social practices by supporting social projects and actions developed by public and private entities, keeping its commitment to the community alive and active. A successful example of ROMI’s commitment to social causes is the Romi Foundation, which the company has supported since 1957.
With the mission of promoting social and human development through education and culture, the Romi Foundation promotes the regional community and carries out social actions on its three fronts: the NEI (Integrated Education Center), the Cedoc (Historical Documentation Center) and the Cultural Station.


The Romi Foundation’s NEI (Núcleo de Educação Integrada - Integrated Education Center) is a kindergarten, primary and secondary school whose system, through challenges and laboratory experiences, makes the students themselves active agents in their education.
Through a problem-solving approach, children, teenagers and young people are encouraged to research and resolve their concerns, fostering the development of socio-emotional skills, which are essential for facing contemporary challenges, strengthening autonomy and interpersonal relationships.
In 2023, 107 students benefited from partial and full scholarships, distributed in compliance with the socio-economic requirements defined by the MEC (Ministry of Education).


Cedoc is a reference for historians, students and researchers from various institutions, due to the wealth of material which, as well as being digitized, is sanitized and stored in ultra-modern archives. With more than 55,000 photos and almost 275,000 pages of documents already processed, there is still a significant amount to be processed. In 2023, Cedoc’s actions benefited more than 3,200 people.

Romi Foundation Cultural Station

At the Cultural Station, an old railway station that has been revitalized and maintained by the Romi Foundation, the community can improve its perception of regional culture, disseminate values, exchange experiences, acquire knowledge, experience emotions, elaborate thoughts, take initiatives and contribute to the constitution of the region’s cultural identity.
In 2023, more than 29,000 people benefited from 98 events held at the Cultural Station, in the most diverse forms of expression, such as: fairs, workshops, courses, literature, music, theater and dance, with the aim of promoting social development through culture.

ROMI Incentive

In addition to educational and cultural activities, the Romi Foundation acts as a mediator in the process of analyzing ROMI’s requests for financial support. Projects in the areas of education, culture and sports are received through the ROMI Incentivo platform, a communication channel created to facilitate the registration and processing of applications.
These projects are selected in accordance with ROMI’s Social Investment Policy, which allocates its own or incentivized resources, always with a view to development and well-being.

Support from own resources

Investments from own resources benefit thousands of people every day, free of charge, through free cultural and training workshops, projects to foster the creative economy, raise cultural status and socio-educational actions.
In 2023, more than R$1.26 million was invested from its own resources in social assistance and development projects.

Renovation of the Children’s Home playroom

In 2023, an important initiative was undertaken: the refurbishment of the Santa Bárbara D’Oeste Children’s Home playroom. This institution plays a vital role in the daily care of more than 600 children, many of whom are at risk. The environment was completely renovated, from painting to the installation of new light fittings, children’s decorations and furniture, as well as the addition of a variety of toys. All ROMI employees were invited to take part in this action by donating books and toys in good condition, selected so as not to allude to violence. The end result is the realization of a dream: a renovated space where children can play and interact, thus promoting the formation of future citizens.

Charity Feijoada for APAE

A collaboration between ROMI and APAE Santa Bárbara resulted in the creation of “Marmita do Bem”, a charity feijoada promoted by the institution. Around a ton of food was donated, resulting in the sale of 600 tickets, each serving two people (totaling 1,200 meals). All the production and distribution of the feijoada was carried out by volunteers who are friends of APAE.

Support for Santa Bárbara Hospital

In 2023, ROMI also undertook other social actions with its own resources. We would highlight the company’s participation in the refurbishment of the kitchen at Santa Bárbara Hospital, as well as its contribution with prizes for the second and third place winners in the First Multicultural Competition, whose theme was “Combating Child Labor”.

Support for education

ROMI also invests in the training of technical professionals, with a focus on professional training, keeping its equipment on loan to technical schools, universities and research centers. This partnership involves ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica), Insper (Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa), USP (Universidade de São Paulo), Senai and Obra Social Dom Bosco Itaquera. This investment exceeded R$1.9 million in 2023.

Local Community

Aware of the needs of the population exposed to vulnerability or social risk, ROMI also contributes monthly to local philanthropic organizations that support the elderly, children and health, enabling them to maintain their assistance to the local community.
Since 2003, ROMI has also been running a campaign in favor of the “Our Children” project, encouraging employees to donate part of their income tax, in their annual tax return, to the Children’s and Adolescents’ Council Fund (CMDCA), which provides assistance to children and adolescents in Santa Bárbara d’Oeste. By 2023, more than R$1.75 million had been donated.

Support with Incentivized Resources

ROMI’s Social Investment Policy also provides support for social, educational and cultural projects through tax incentives.
There are several opportunities to invest in initiatives that promote social development and the well-being of the population, through tax incentives for social and sports projects.
The main vectors are the Federal Culture Incentive Law, also known as the Rouanet Law, and the Federal Sports Incentive Law. Through these laws, companies can allocate part of their income tax to sponsor, respectively, cultural projects approved by the Ministry of Culture and sports projects approved by the Ministry of Sport.
In addition to these laws, there are other initiatives that seek to encourage social projects, such as the Audiovisual Law, which allows companies to invest in national audiovisual productions, and the Health Incentive Law, which allows companies to invest in projects related to health promotion.
It is important to note that these tax incentives are not donations, but investments in projects that promote positive social impact.
In 2023, more than R$500,000 was invested in various projects using tax incentives.

Cultural Projects

Usina de Memórias
“Usina de Memórias – Ressignificando o Passado” is a historical immersion project that seeks to requalify Shed 08 of the Usina Santa Bárbara Complex, a listed heritage site in the municipality, with buildings dating back to the 19th century, with the aim of creating a multi-purpose cultural space.

Via Crucis Show (25th edition)

The Via Crucis show is one of the region’s most important traditions, recreating the events and moments leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. It attracts people from different cities and even from other states to Santa Bárbara d’Oeste to attend. Via Crucis is an ecumenical show, based on respect for others. Today, the project is recognized as “Cultural and Intangible Heritage” and is considered an important part of the identity of Brazilian society.

Preservation and Dissemination of the Romi Foundation’s Cedoc Moving Image Collection

The aim of the project is to preserve, make available and disseminate a set of documents that include moving images, such as films, videomagnetic tapes and DVDs, belonging to the institution’s collection. These materials reveal previously unseen images of Santa Bárbara d’Oeste and the region. The project involves processing the documentary collection, as well as carrying out activities such as “Encontro com a História”.

Socio-educational Capoeira

The main objective of the Socio-educational Capoeira project is to promote and value the practice of capoeira, highlighting fundamental principles such as non-violence and socialization, which involve not only the practitioners, but also their families and the communities they benefit. It also seeks to recover capoeira’s rich history and spread Afro-Brazilian culture.

This project offers a variety of activities, including courses, workshops and internships, open to people of all ages, with special attention to those in situations of social vulnerability. In addition, seminars, symposiums, meetings, congresses and lectures are planned, with special classes in public places that are easily accessible to the population.

Other initiatives include festivals and exhibitions, through capoeira circles, Afro saraus, black culture festivals and baptism and graduation events. These activities aim not only to promote the practice of capoeira, but also to celebrate cultural diversity and strengthen community ties.

New Symphony Orchestra

The main aim of the Orquestra Nova Sinfonia project is to form a philharmonic orchestra, open to young people and adults with no previous musical experience, offering free theoretical and practical lessons. The results of the project will be demonstrated through performances in various public spaces in the city of Santa Bárbara d’Oeste.

As well as interpreting the great classics, the project will also include the reinterpretation of popular songs, with the aim of increasing public acceptance and interest in orchestral arrangements. This approach broadens the scope of the project and provides a diverse and accessible musical experience for all spectators.

Golfe Chave Para o Futuro - Year 3

Through a partnership between the São Paulo Golf Federation, Indaiatuba City Hall and the Hurra! Association, the Golfe Chave para o Futuro project’s mission is to educate citizens through sport and promote the spread of the sport in Brazil. This project adopts an innovative methodology that combines the development of socio-emotional skills with the technical training of young people, thus providing comprehensive citizenship training.

The focus is not only to train participants in golf techniques, but also to prepare them for life’s challenges, including the possibility of inclusion in the job market and income generation. This is achieved by expanding access to golf clubs and integrating them into the sports production chain. This holistic approach aims not only to promote the practice of sport, but also to empower young people to become responsible and successful citizens in their communities.

Golden Kimono XII

The project offers high-level training to 50 athletes from the Marcos Mercadante Judo Association, with the aim of improving their technical quality and achieving better placings in regional, state, national and international competitions.


Through the Municipal Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents of Barretos, the State Fund for Children and Adolescents of the State of Paraná and the Municipal Fund for the Elderly of Barretos, ROMI has made investments in health care for Hospital de Amor and Hospital Pequeno Príncipe.
The Hospital de Amor is a reference in free care for cancer patients and originated in the city of Barretos, in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Over the years, it has expanded its activities across the country, with the main pillars guiding the institution: care, prevention, teaching and research.
It is important to note that Hospital de Amor only treats SUS patients from all over Brazil. The 2022 Annual Report records, among other figures, 1,673,441 visits to patients from 2,531 municipalities, totaling 3,599,274 procedures.
The Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, in Curitiba (PR), is part of a complex made up of three units - Pequeno Príncipe Hospital, Pequeno Príncipe Universities and Pelé Pequeno Príncipe Research Institute - which work synergistically for the cause of child and adolescent health, with 35 medical specialties.

Social Investments

In 2023, R$ 1,764,852.94 was invested in 15 projects.

Investments in People

ROMI doesn’t just limit itself to social investments for the benefit of the community. The company also stands out for its ongoing commitment to developing people and improving its workforce. Through relevant programs aimed at both internal and external audiences, the company promotes technical training and personal growth. In 2023, we had 1,964 employees, spread across the nine countries in which ROMI has direct operations:

Health and Safety at Work

To ensure the quality of life of our employees and their dependents, we have an agreement with Unimed S.A. to provide a corporate health plan. Every year, in partnership with Unimed, we have preventive campaigns, especially against breast and prostate cancer.
Also with the aim of offering quality of life and preventing illness among employees and their families, ROMI promotes a flu vaccination campaign every year. The vaccines are administered by professionals from a specialized clinic, and ROMI bears part of the cost, so that employees and their dependents have greater access to the vaccine. In 2023, our Flu Vaccination Campaign reached 572 employees and 356 dependents.
From 2022 to 2023, we achieved a 38.5% reduction in the absolute number of accidents at work, as well as a reduction in the severity of incidents, determined by the number of days lost from work.
Achieving zero accidents at work is extremely important, as it reflects our commitment to the safety and well-being of our employees. This is not just a target to be achieved, but a culture that we seek to promote in our work environment. Over the last three years, we have achieved a 60% reduction in the absolute number of accidents at work.

Activities carried out

ROMI carries out awareness campaigns throughout the year, as well as maintaining and encouraging the practice of DDS (Daily Safety Dialogues) in all its areas.

See below the main topics covered in the 2023 awareness campaigns:

  • I take care of myself, I take care of you and I allow myself to be taken care of;
  • National Day for the Prevention of Accidents at Work.

We also have specific committees to deal with occupational health and safety issues, with the participation of all the coordinators, managers and directors of the plants. At regular meetings, results and trends are monitored and good practices and improvements implemented are shared.

Every year, we follow a comprehensive safety training plan, which includes both initial training and refresher training, as stipulated by the Regulatory Standards (NRs). Our aim is to prevent accidents, protect employees’ health, ensure legal compliance and, above all, promote an organizational culture focused on safety. In 2023, among all the training carried out, we highlight those focused on compliance with NR 33 - Safety and Health at Work in Confined Spaces, as well as the retraining of our Emergency Brigade, which has a large structure for in-company training.

ISO 45.001 Certification

Since 2019, ROMI has prioritized the value of safety, striving to make improvements and investments in working conditions, as well as strengthening the safety culture within the company. In 2023, with the joint effort and dedication of all our employees, we reached an important milestone by seeking ISO 45001 certification.
ISO 45001 is an international standard that sets the highest standards for occupational health and safety management. The primary objectives are to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses and to provide safe and healthy workplaces.
In October 2023, we underwent an audit by the certification company BSI. At the end of the process, the Head Office and Foundry units were recommended for ISO 45001 certification, representing 77.47% of the company’s operations. This recognition represents a significant milestone for ROMI, reinforcing our non-negotiable commitment to the safety and health of all employees.
This achievement not only demonstrates our commitment to the highest occupational safety standards, but also reaffirms our commitment to providing a safe, healthy and sustainable working environment for everyone involved in ROMI’s journey.

(*77.47% of the company’s operations have received the certification, considering the total number of ROMI employees / total number of employees registered at the Head Office and Foundry - Source: HHT Jan./24.)


SIGI - Internal Integrated Management Week - is also among the awareness-raising and training activities related to the environment, quality, occupational health and safety. This week includes lectures, workshops, theaters, exhibitions and raffles, among other activities.
In 2023, we held another edition of SIGI and it was a success! Over the course of a week, employees were invited to take part in the following activities:

1) Interaction in Restaurants
A fun discussion to guess words related to health, safety, the environment and quality based on clues.

2) Game Show
Through an exciting car race - Formula ROMI - employees were able to test their knowledge of health, safety at work, the environment and quality.


ROMI has several internal actions aimed at valuing employees and their development, such as PSIU - Participate, Suggest, Innovate and Use. This is an action to raise awareness of the integrated management system for quality, the environment, health, occupational safety and compliance, disseminated through internal communication channels, which encourages collaboration through ideas related to preventive practices.
The program has a framework for visual management of the main items needed to achieve the objectives. Through them, we preventively monitor and take action on unsafe conditions, infrastructure for environmental management and quality requirements. Correctively, we monitor our figures for accidents at work, incorrect disposal and non-conformities. Knowing these figures allows each area to better plan improvement actions.
Since the start of the program, 4,352 cards have been opened for the Foundry Unit and 1,930 cards for the Head Office and Downtown units. Of this number, more than 90% of the suggested actions have already been implemented.


Implemented in 2015, PIRA - the Information, Reflection and Action Project - is a newsletter aimed at raising awareness of health prevention, accident reduction, environmental preservation and customer satisfaction. It is disseminated to all employees, in physical and digital format, on a monthly basis, so that managers can talk to their employees about the proposed subject and, at the end, answer a question and take part in a monthly prize draw.

First Job

ROMI focuses its efforts mainly on young people who are entering the job market. To this end, the company invests in programs for young apprentices and trainees. These investments are made through partnerships and agreements with various public and private institutions, such as Senai, Guarda Mirim de Santa Bárbara d’Oeste and internship programs mediated by CIEE (Centro de Integração Empresa Escola). From 2018 to 2023, ROMI hired 252 apprentices, developed in collaboration with Senai and Guarda Mirim.
The internship programs for higher education students (technologist or undergraduate) are aimed not only at the student’s academic development, but also at the practical application of knowledge from the early years of the course. In addition, these programs represent a valuable opportunity for ROMI to identify and nurture new talent, giving recently graduated professionals the chance to develop professionally.
Over the last five years, ROMI has achieved a 47.46% trainee success rate, demonstrating the success and positive impact of its trainee program on the young community looking for job opportunities.

People Training Programs

ROMI develops a variety of professional training programs for its employees, aimed at improving technical and personal skills that contribute to collective growth.
One notable example is continuous improvement programs, such as training and certification in the Lean Six Sigma methodology, which is widely recognized and applied in industries around the world, both on the production line and in the administrative area, with the aim of achieving operational excellence.*
ROMI values success as the result of successful individual and collaborative efforts. Since 2017, more than 923 people have been trained in the White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt and Master Black Belt categories, promoting a remarkable development of these professionals and generating an undeniable positive impact on internal processes.

*FAQ. Lean Six Sigma Brasil, 2024. Available at:

Development Program

Continuing its commitment to developing and valuing its professionals, since 2017 ROMI has implemented programs aimed at training potential monitors and managers, through specific assessments and training. To date, more than 100 employees have been selected to take part in the Development Program, which focuses on improving participants’ personal skills.
Monitors play a crucial role in supporting management in technical and production areas, playing a strategic role in achieving results. They must be ready to deal with daily demands with skill and efficiency. For this reason, all new monitors undergo intensive training, with the aim of enabling them to positively influence teams, increase productivity and develop new skills.
Since the program was launched, 73% of the vacancies for management positions have been filled by employees who have been through the Development Program. This result demonstrates the success in training new leaders, who are significantly better prepared to face the challenges inherent in the position.

Investment in Training

In 2023, ROMI invested R$1,060,970.00 in training, highlighting its commitment to improving both the technical and behavioral skills of its teams. This training plays a fundamental role in adapting to market changes and increasing productivity. By investing in training, the company demonstrates its dedication to the professional growth of its employees, thus promoting a more qualified and efficient working environment.

Trainee Program

Since 2001, ROMI has maintained a structured program for trainees, with the aim of developing new leaders endowed with essential technical and behavioral skills. This two-year program offers trainees a wide range of training and practical experience, covering all of the company’s manufacturing and administrative areas.
During this period, participants have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and expertise in various aspects of the business, giving them a comprehensive understanding of how the company operates in its entirety. In addition, the individual skills of each trainee are identified and developed so that, at the end of the program, they can be directed to specific areas that align with their talents and interests, preparing them to take on future responsibilities and opportunities with confidence and competence.

Leadership Training

In the second half of 2023, ROMI carried out leadership training with a renowned consultancy, with the aim of providing new tools and skills for leaders. This contributes to the growth and development of each team, promoting an effective and collaborative leadership culture in the Organization.


In addition to the aforementioned programs, ROMI has the G-Card - Career and Performance Management, a tool that makes it possible to analyze the individual performance of employees. This analysis allows managers to identify and make the most of each person’s skills, promoting team development and appreciation.
Through this tool, employees have the opportunity to highlight their main skills, strengths and areas for potential development. This helps to guide career paths and allows ROMI to optimize the use of each employee, aligning technical and personal skills with the company’s needs.


ROMI offers the POP - Programa de Oportunidade de Progresso (Progress Opportunity Program), which prioritizes its employees by publicizing available job vacancies internally, before making them available to the external public. This allows staff to be reassigned between operational, administrative or technical areas, according to their interests.
This program benefits both employees, who have the opportunity to seek new opportunities within the company, and ROMI, which makes better use of internal talent, thus increasing team engagement. Since 2019, the program has advertised more than 200 vacancies, recording a 77% take-up rate of applicants for vacancies opened in 2023 alone.

Recognition for
Length of Service

In recognition and appreciation of each employee, ROMI pays tribute every year to employees who have completed 10, 20, 30 or 40 years of dedication to the company. As well as receiving gifts, the honorees are presented with a trophy representing the milestone reached, during a special ceremony attended by their managers and the company’s entire board of directors.

Benefits and Other Care

ROMI provides its employees with a range of benefits, including Profit Sharing (PLR), medical and dental insurance, transportation, food in its own restaurant, a monthly basic food basket, a Sesi agreement, a school kit, life insurance, partnerships with schools and gyms, as well as a Christmas hamper and gift.
All these benefits are aligned with the objective of providing better living conditions for employees and their dependents, offering support for basic and essential needs, as well as being aligned with labor market practice.

School Kit

Education is undoubtedly one of the main foundations for transformation and progress in the world. It is through education that we can shape a more just and equitable society.
Fully aware of its crucial role in the educational advancement of its employees’ families, and with the aim of supporting the purchase of essential school materials, ROMI has implemented the initiative of providing school kits for its employees’ children, aged between 6 and 14. In 2023, this action benefited a total of 481 children, offering them personalized kits containing the specific materials appropriate for each age group.
This measure not only strengthens ties between the company and its employees, but also demonstrates a tangible commitment to the educational development of future generations.


The Engagement Assessment is a practice established since 2015, with the fundamental purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of all the development initiatives adopted by the company, as well as the level of employee satisfaction and connection. Held every two years, this evaluation is based on 11 essential pillars: cooperation, communication, leadership, pride, image, remuneration, respect, support, appreciation, social life and commitment.
It is important to note that the evaluation is conducted anonymously, giving employees the freedom to express any type of observation, comment, record or suggestion. In 2023, the results showed a high overall favorability rate, reaching 84.56%.
All the records obtained are thoroughly analyzed and taken into account, providing valuable insights for identifying areas for improvement in each of the pillars mentioned. In addition, this data is also key to highlighting specific groups or sectors that may have particular demands, making it possible to implement targeted and effective measures to promote a more satisfactory and productive working environment for all employees.
In addition, in 2023, for the first time, we expanded the application of the engagement survey to our subsidiaries abroad, also achieving a high overall favorability rate, reaching 80.12%.
As with the Brazilian operations, the information collected will be used to guide the implementation of actions aimed at improving the organizational climate and strengthening the engagement of our employees in the international subsidiaries. This step represents an ongoing commitment to the well-being and development of all our team members, regardless of geographical location, reaffirming our commitment to excellence in all areas of the company’s operations.


We value and respect diversity, ensuring equal opportunities and fair treatment for everyone, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, race, religious belief or physical ability. For this reason, we are committed to creating a welcoming, safe and inclusive working environment in which people feel comfortable expressing themselves and sharing experiences, thus promoting a working environment that reflects ROMI’s values.
Aware of its fundamental role in social development, the company has set itself targets and, based on its Diversity Policy, approved in 2023, has made a commitment to promote diversity and inclusion by implementing affirmative action aimed at minorities, to guarantee a more inclusive and diverse working environment.
The 2023 actions include the creation and approval of the Diversity and Inclusion Policy; training for all management on the subject, including middle and senior management; specific training on Diversity and Inclusion, open to all employees through the Group Training Program, with the aim of making the subject broader and more accessible to everyone; contracting and applying the Diversity Census, which covered 100% of employees and had a response rate of 77%; in addition to the detailed study for an in-depth diagnosis of the D&I (Diversity and Inclusion) issue at ROMI.
Throughout the year, internal publicity campaigns were promoted, highlighting various inclusive and relevant dates for the D&I calendar, including International Women’s Day, LGBTQIAP+ Pride, National Day to Combat Racial Discrimination and International Day of People with Disabilities.
For 2024, the company is working on adopting an action plan aimed at tackling the points raised in the Diversity Diagnosis and Census carried out in 2023. In addition, as of March, all new employees will undergo basic training in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), as a mandatory part of the integration offered to all new company employees.
ROMI therefore reinforces its intention and commitment to seeking a diverse corporate environment free of any prejudice, discrimination or intolerance.

ROMI self-portrait

Below we share some of the results obtained from the Diversity Census carried out in October 2023. This data will be monitored annually to measure the efficiency of the affirmative actions carried out by the Company.


Data based on active employees on December 31 of the respective years.

Diversity by Functional Category and Gender

In 2023, we had an important evolution in participation of women in leadership positions in our coordination areas, jumping from 11.59% to 15.62%. In administrative/operational positions, this variation was also positive, going from 13.25% to 15.04%. It is also possible to notice a greater balance in attracting trainees and interns, with the percentage of women being 50% and 46.67%, respectively.


Data based on the ROMI 2023 Census, which represents 77% of the company’s staff.


Data based on the ROMI 2023 Census, which represents 77% of the company’s staff.

People with Disabilities

Data based on the ROMI 2023 Census, which represents 77% of the company’s staff.

Learn more about our actions

ESG 2023